Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

I am back with another great classic- you made sure you had a good look at the title, didn’t ya!! Yes, it is a cookie recipe and not just any other but a kitchen favorite – Millie’s cookies recipe! This cookie feels like a warm hug on days when you feel meh! and quickly uplifts your mood. This can satisfy your cookie cravings and be ready in no time as the prep is minimal.

Let’s dive into what feels like a warm hug with this super easy Millie’s cookie recipe!

Table of contents:

  • Equipment required
  • Ingredients required
  • Procedure
  • Step-by-step picture
  • Video Tutorial
  • FAQ
  • Recommended recipes
  • Recipe Card

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What equipment do I need to make Millie’s cookies recipe?

This set of teaspoons and tablespoons is what I have been using for years now. They always come in handy when I need to measure smaller portions. Remember, great baking is all about correct measurements.

A good old big bowl to measure and dump all the ingredients when making cookies.

Electric Beater or Stand Mixer: Use a good-quality stand mixer or electric beater with a paddle attachment. I have always used KitchenAid stand mixers at work and would like to recommend the same. It is extremely durable, and strong and gets the job done efficiently.

23 cm Round Springform Tin: It is essential in baking this giant cookie cake. It ensures that the cookie bakes evenly and helps remove the cookie once done.

Spatula:  It helps fold the flour and chocolate chips in.

Sieve:  To make sure you have a lump-free dry mix ready for your cookie.

What ingredients do I need to make Millie’s cookies recipe?

All Purpose Flour:

All-purpose flour provides structure to our cookies from the little bit of gluten that gets formed. The chewy texture that we love comes from the way the flour is mixed. The fat in the form of butter gives our cookie that soft texture. The butter stops the gluten strands from developing further making a perfect cookie.

Salted butter (softened)

Butter enhances the flavor and helps in binding. The rich smell you get once the cookie is baked is from butter. Ensure that you use good-quality butter. Soften the butter beforehand. You can use salted or unsalted butter but remember to skip salt if you use salted butter. This cookie has a chewy center but if you’re a crunchy cookie person then this Butter Crunch Cookies recipe is what you should look for.

Caster Sugar

Caster sugar will help make the cookie light and crispy at the edges.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar makes the cookies soft. As the sugar caramelizes it gives the cookie a beautiful golden tint and rich caramel flavor. It provides moisture to the cookie making it chewy at the center. I have used two types of sugar – caster and brown to create a perfect balance of texture and flavor. However, sugar as a humectant tends to absorb moisture so store it covered in the refrigerator to avoid the cookies from absorbing more moisture.


Egg helps in leavening the dough enhancing the texture. The fat from the egg yolk helps with the rich flavor and the egg white helps in retaining the right amount of moisture for our cookie cake.

Vanilla Essence

Vanilla essence gives a beautiful flavor to the cookies.

Baking Powder

This cookie cake is thick once baked which is why we need a little bit of rise to get the texture right and maintain its shape when baking. Eggs alone cannot provide enough leavening hence we use baking powder.


Salt balances the flavors in the cookie and helps intensify the rich flavors of butter and chocolate.

Dark Chocolate Chips

Dark Chocolate Chips add a beautiful crunchy chocolatey flavor in between bites. They are made in such a way that they can withstand the high temperatures of the oven and still give a crunch in every bite just like in this other chocolate chip cookie recipe I made sometime ago.


Step by Step procedure to make Millie’s cookies recipe:

Initial Prep

Start by preheating your oven to 170ºC/338ºF.  Now grease a 23 cm round springform tin to prevent the cookie from sticking and set it aside.

Creaming the Butter and Sugar

In your stand mixer or with an electric beater, use the paddle attachment to cream the softened butter with the caster sugar and brown sugar. Beat them together for about 5 minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy. This step is necessary for achieving that perfect cookie texture—crispy on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside.

Adding Eggs and Vanilla

Replace the paddle attachment with the whisk attachment and beat in the eggs one at a time. Next, add the vanilla essence and mix until combined.

Mixing the Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt.  Don’t forget to skip salt if you’re using salted butter. Gradually fold the dry ingredients into the wet mixture using a spatula. Once the flour is combined well add the dark chocolate chips and fold until everything is combined nicely.


Pour the prepared cookie dough into your springform tin, spreading it evenly with your spatula and leveling it. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes, or until the edges turn golden brown. The key to the perfect cookie cake is to ensure it stays gooey in the middle, so don’t over-bake it!

Cooling and Serving

Allow the cookie to cool completely in the tin. Once cool, you can decorate it as desired with this buttercream frosting. This cookie cake is best served warm, either on its own or with a scoop of your favorite ice cream or warm milk.

Step-by-step pictures on how to make Millie’s giant cookie:

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe

Millies cookies recipe


Frequently Asked Questions about Millie’s Cookie Cake:

How to tell if a giant cookie is cooked?

For a perfectly cooked cookie, look at the color of the cookie while it is being baked. The sides should be slightly golden brown and the cookie cake all over should have a golden hue. The bottom part should be brown.

How long will a giant cookie last?

I’m sure it will be hard to keep these cookies for long, especially if you have kids around. However, if you intend to store it, keep it in an airtight container and it should last well for 3-4 days. You can also slightly warm it up.

Are my cookies undercooked or just soft?

This recipe is a soft cookie recipe with a crisp and hard outer crust on the sides. If it is raw and dough-ey in the center it is not cooked. If it looks done but is not crisp and crumbly in the center, it is cooked and is just a soft cookie recipe.

Can you freeze a giant cookie?

Yes absolutely. thaw in the fridge a day prior and then reheat in the oven at 160 degrees centigrade for 5 minutes. This is a great way to make your cookies last a bit longer.

Can I put underbaked cookies back in the oven?

Yes, you can if you just removed them.

Can you eat cookies that are raw in the middle?

I would not recommend eating it raw. You can have an upset stomach.

Why did my cookies burn on the bottom?

Some of the reasons could be that your oven was too hot, or the baking tray was too thin. Or else the placement of the baking tray was very close to the source of heat.


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Millies cookies recipe

August 17, 2024
: 8
: 30 min
: 30 min
: 1 hr
: Easy

Millie's Cookies Recipe is a classic soft and chewy cookies recipe that is flavorful and rich and can be mastered at home.


  • Salted butter (softened): 175 gms
  • Caster Sugar: 100 g
  • Brown sugar: 100 g
  • Eggs: 2 nos
  • Vanilla essence: 1 tsp
  • All purpose Flour: 250 gm
  • Baking Powder: 3/4 tsp
  • Salt: ½ tsp
  • Dark chocolate chips: 200 gms
  • Step 1 Start by preheating your oven to 170ºC/338ºF. Now grease a 23 cm round springform tin to prevent the cookie from sticking and set it aside.
  • Step 2 In your stand mixer or with an electric beater, use the paddle attachment to cream the softened butter with the caster sugar and brown sugar. Beat them together for about 5 minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy.
  • Step 3 Replace the paddle attachment with the whisk attachment and beat in the eggs one at a time. Next, add the vanilla essence and mix until combined.
  • Step 4 In a separate bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. Don’t forget to skip salt if you’re using salted butter. Gradually fold the dry ingredients into the wet mixture using a spatula. Once the flour is combined well add the dark chocolate chips and fold until everything is combined nicely.
  • Step 5 Pour the prepared cookie dough into your springform tin, spreading it evenly with your spatula and leveling it. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes, or until the edges turn golden brown. The key to the perfect cookie cake is to ensure it stays gooey in the middle, so don’t over-bake it!
  • Step 6 Allow the cookie to cool completely in the tin. Once cool, you can decorate it as desired with buttercream frosting. This cookie cake is best served warm, either on its own or with a scoop of your favorite ice cream or warm milk.



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