Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe
Serve these British cookies at your next high tea party, brunch, or just because. This small-batch, easy raisin scone recipe makes about 8 scones and can be served with jam and clotted cream. But what is clotted cream? Clotted cream is a thick, luxurious cream made by heating full-fat milk and skimming off the upper layer, which clots on the surface. Clotted cream is a popular accompaniment to scones and other traditional British treats, and it adds a unique creamy sweetness to any pastry.
These raisin scones can be shaped any way you want; I chose a round shape to keep it traditional. The ingredients and instructions are simple, so you can whip up a batch of these scones in no time. If you’re feeling adventurous, this recipe is also perfect for easing your way into the world of lamination. Lamination involves layering butter and dough, which gives these scones a flaky texture and a beautiful golden crust. If you’re new to the technique, this blog has step-by-step instructions and pictures, so you can easily bake these English-style raisin scones with ease. Serve them warm with a generous dollop of clotted cream and a few slices of jam and you’ll be transported to a British tea party in no time!
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What equipment do I need to make raisin scones?

– Baking Tray

Big Bowl

Rolling Pin


Cookie cutter set

Set of teaspoons and tablespoons


Weighing Scale

What ingredients do I need to make raisin scone recipe?

Easy raisin scones recipe


You will be using refined flour or all purpose flour for making scones.


The butter helps in creating those layers. For the scone dough, the butter plays a major role. Make sure that the butter is cold when you are rubbing it in the flour. The butter melts while baking and creates steam. This steam pushes the dough upwards and creates those layers. Did I say layers? Layers because we fold the dough thrice to make sure that the butter is distributed in layers.

Baking powder

The baking powder is used to help the dough rise evenly.


Salt is used to strengthen the scone dough.

Cold Water

While making the dough, your focus should be to not let the butter melt. The cold water helps with that, where it brings down the temperature of the dough.

Castor Sugar

Castor sugar has moisture and can get mixed easily. This golden characteristic of castor sugar makes it perfect to use in this recipe.


The eggs provide two major components to the dough. It provides fat and moisture. Fat is required  for flavor, color and texture. The moisture is required for bringing the dough together, texture, steam while baking.


The raisins are for you and me. Simply for flavoring the scones. You can add anything of your choice such as blueberry.

Milk for milk wash

The milk will provide color to the scones.

Step-by-step pictures on how to make raisin scone recipe?

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe

Easy raisin scones recipe


How to make raisin scone recipe?

Pre-prep for the dough.

Chop the butter into small cubes.

Measure and sieve the flour. Measure the other ingredients and keep aside.

Making the dough for the raisin scones

Start by coating the butter pieces with flour. This is called the “rubbing in” method, where the butter is rubbed into the flour. Use your fingertips to rub as the palms have more heat and may end up melting the butter.

You will keep doing it till the flour and butter mixes really well and looks like tiny granules.

In a separate bowl, whisk the egg, water, and sugar together.

Add it to the flour mix.

Using your fingertips just combine the dough and don’t knead.

Now, add the raisins in there and give it a mix.

It should look like a combined rough dough.

Shape it into a rectangle, cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill for two hours.

Folding and laminating

Take it out, cut the rectangle midway, breadth-wise, and place one half on top of the other half.

Now using a rolling pin, flatten it out to 1.5 cm. Use a parchment in between to ensure that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.

The dough is a little crumbly, so don’t roll it away in one go. Make dents using the ruler, horizontally and then vertically. This way you will avoid any cracks.

You can measure the thickness by poking a ruler in the dough.

Refer to my video for understanding better.

2nd Fold

Cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill for two hours.

Repeat the above steps one more time.

Cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill overnight.

Line a baking tray using parchment paper or butter paper or baking paper.

Baking the raisin scones

Pre-heat your microwave oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit in the convection setting.

Take it out, cut the rectangle midway, breadth-wise, and place one half on top of the other half.

Now using a rolling pin, flatten it out to 1.5 cm. Use a parchment in between to ensure that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.

The dough is a little crumbly, so don’t roll it away in one go. Make dents using the ruler, horizontally and then vertically. This way you will avoid any cracks.

You can measure the thickness by poking a ruler in the dough.

Using a cutter, cut out circles and place them on the baking tray. Brush some milk on top before baking.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes in a convection setting. Every oven is different so baking time may vary. I would recommend checking it at 12 minutes.

Let it cool, and serve it by cutting it in half and with some jam and clotted cream.

Bake with me- Video Tutorial

Other cookie recipes for you to try:


Red Velvet Crinkle Cookies Recipe

Recipe for homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Frequently Asked Questions about easy raisin scones recipe:

What is lamination?

Lamination is when you incorporate layers of fat in between layers of dough.

What is folding?

Folding is a term that is used to describe an integral part of lamination process. Folding refers to simply placing one part of the dough onto the other. Often the fold encloses fat.

What else can I use instead of raisin?

I have seen people chefs use blueberries, pizza toppings, cinnamon, orange etc.

What rack should I bake it in?

Ideally bake it in medium rack.

Scone dough is sticking to my rolling pin. Help!

Rolling the dough after covering it in parchment should help. If it is still sticking, it indicates that there is more moisture in your dough. Try fixing that with some added flour, however keep in mind that will alter the texture and taste of your scones even if it is mild.

How long do I rest it?

Approximate 2 to 3 hours should be best.

Why do I need to rest it overnight?

The process of lamination puts strain onto the dough. It needs to rest for a long time to ensure a good quality product. There’s a protein in flour and it is called gluten. Gluten on coming in contact with moisture creates long strands. This gluten gets stretched when you are laminating the dough. When yu rest it, the gluten strands come back to original shape and becomes strong, giving you a good scone that retains shape and texture during baking.

How does it taste?

The recipe makes scones that taste mildly sweet and is therefore perfect with jam and cream.

Why can I not knead the dough?

Kneading results in more amount of gluten formation which will make the scones chewy and not crisp and crunchy. It will end up melting the butter.

Homemade easy raisin scones recipe:

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Easy raisin scones recipe

February 8, 2023
: 6-8
: 1 hr
: 20 min
: 1 hr 20 min
: Medium

Serve these easy raisin scones at your next high tea or brunch. This small batch recipe makes 8 scones and can be served with jam.


  • Flour- 126 grams
  • Butter- 30 grams
  • Baking powder- 1/2 tsp
  • Salt- A pinch
  • Cold Water-38 ml
  • Castor Sugar- 20 grams
  • Egg- 40 ml
  • Raisins- 20 grams
  • Milk for milk wash
  • Step 1 Chop the butter into small cubes.
  • Step 2 Measure and sieve the flour and start coating the butter pieces with flour. This is called the “rubbing in” method, where the butter is rubbed into the flour. Use your fingertips to rub as the palms have more heat and may end up melting the butter.
  • Step 3 You will keep doing it till the flour and butter mixes really well and looks like tiny granules.
  • Step 4 In a separate bowl, whisk the egg, water, and sugar together.
  • Step 5 Add it to the flour mix.
  • Step 6 Using your fingertips just combine the dough and don’t knead.
  • Step 7 Now, add the raisins in there and give it a mix.
  • Step 8 It should look like a combined rough dough.
  • Step 9 Shape it into a rectangle, cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill for two hours.
  • Step 10 Take it out, cut the rectangle midway, breadth-wise, and place one half on top of the other half.
  • Step 11 Now using a rolling pin, flatten it out to 1.5 cm. Use a parchment in between to ensure that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.
  • Step 12 The dough is a little crumbly, so don’t roll it away in one go. Make dents using the ruler, horizontally and then vertically. This way you will avoid any cracks.
  • Step 13 You can measure the thickness by poking a ruler in the dough.
  • Step 14 Cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill for two hours.
  • Step 15 Repeat the above steps one more time.
  • Step 16 Cover it in parchment or cling wrap and place it in the refrigerator to chill overnight.
  • Step 17 Line a baking tray using parchment paper or butter paper or baking paper.
  • Step 18 Pre-heat your microwave oven to 180 degrees Celsius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit in the convection setting.
  • Step 19 Take it out, cut the rectangle midway, breadth-wise, and place one half on top of the other half.
  • Step 20 Now using a rolling pin, flatten it out to 1.5 cm. Use a parchment in between to ensure that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.
  • Step 21 The dough is a little crumbly, so don’t roll it away in one go. Make dents using the ruler, horizontally and then vertically. This way you will avoid any cracks.
  • Step 22 You can measure the thickness by poking a ruler in the dough.
  • Step 23 Using a cutter, cut out circles and place them on the baking tray. Brush some milk on top before baking.
  • Step 24 Bake at 180 degrees Celsius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes in a convection setting. Every oven is different so baking time may vary. I would recommend checking it at 12 minutes.
  • Step 25 Let it cool, and serve it by cutting it in half and with some jam and clotted cream.

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I hope you found my post “Easy raisin scones recipe” helpful and in case if you have any queries, feel free to post them in the comments.

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